Thursday, January 26, 2012

Decapitation Dreams: Decoding Decapitation Dreams

Experiencing decapitation dreams? Confused about the decapitation dream? Last week, I experienced the decapitation dream. In this analysis, I will decipher your decapitation dreams.

The decapitation dream is new to me. I watched another person get their head decapitated in my dream. I never previously experienced this type of dream. What does the decapitation dream mean? 

According to Kosarin (2008),  the decapitation dream "can happen when the dreamer feels a certain distancing from the body" (p. 206). The decapitation dream seems to suggest that a person is astral projecting or having an out of body experience. Is it possible the soul is detached from their physical body?

In my dream, I watched another person get decapitated. The decapitation dream is rather disturbing, especially when a dreamer must watch another victim lose their head. Try to remember the exact events in the decapitation dream. Who is losing their head? 

According to Kosarin (2008), decapitation dreams can occur "in a period of illness or when the mind of the dreamer is unwilling to accept a new physical limitation, such as age" (p. 206). Hence, the decapitation dream may point to a separation between body and mind. 

Do you feel detached from your body? Having problems with your health? Feeling under the weather? Can't accept older age? The preceding are all precursors that suggest change. 

According to Dream Moods (2012), the decapitation dream signifies "you are not thinking clearly and are refusing to see the truth" involving another person and situation. You must consider the situation from all angles. Face the person instead of avoiding the problem. Dream Moods (2012) also suggests the decapitation dream as a symbol meaning to rush judgement without thinking ahead of time. 

The decapitation dream symbol indicates a divide between the body and mind. An alternative decapitation dream meaning suggests that are possibly making bad decisions without properly thinking. The decapitation dream symbol is associated with thinking and action. 

Have you ever noticed a chicken running around with no head? The dreamer is likely making waking decisions without thinking about the consequences. What problems are you experiencing in life? Do you feel that your bad decisions create a negative outcome? 

If you experience the decapitation dream, think about doing meditation to connect your mind and body. Have you ever astral projected? Tap into the astral projection phenomenon to strengthen your mind. Good luck!


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  1. I had a decapitation dream this morning. We were waiting to pick up two soldiers from an airport. It was stormy and the flight was late. My husband and I saw and F16 escort a flight in. We all thought the flight was going to crash, but at the last minute it landed very hard and we watched all the passengers standing on the tarmac safe. Spontaneously all of us waiting and watching through the glass windows started clapping. The woman soldier looked up at us all and something ricocheted and her head was completely cut off. We stood there in shock. I then awoke very disturbed by this dream. Not sure how what you say fits into this context.

    1. Hi Mimi,

      Thank you for sharing your decapitation dream. It is possible your dream is pointing to the following waking possibilities.

      -physical exhaustion
      -sacrifices for family, friends and waking dreams

      Do you have any current waking fears that worry you such as getting sick? Thinking about aging? Overworking yourself to the point that your mind is running away from your heart?

      The female decapitation may represent your current obstacles and challenges. Are you sacrificing your health to reach goals?

      You mention your husband and you watching a F-16 land. Are you close to a place where there may have been a prior air show accident such as in Germany? How much detail can you remember about the woman? If you watch another person lose their head, it can suggest how you view another woman (how this woman and or women behave in general).

      Read the following article on this dream website about the decapitation dream.

      See if this writer mentions anything related to your waking life. Visit this decoding dreams website and or to discuss your dream again.

      Your dream can mean anything, but some point to waking problems more than others. Any dream about tsunami and overflowing toilets suggest repressed emotions and or needing to release your emotions. Come back soon. Thanks for sharing your dream.

    2. Last Night I experienced a Very Lucid Dream that seemed to last for 24 hours straight of real life action.

      It started with me decapitating a famous Musician that I admire. I decapitated him in the evening as the sun was setting and fled in my Bronco as if I were OJ simpson. The whole time i was driving I couldn't stop panicking and anxiously brainstorming endless ways to dispose of the head to get rid of any evidence that I had killed him. Every way I contemplated I concluded would not work and would result in me getting caught.

      I then recall talking and socializing with close acquaintances of the singer as if we were now closer after the decapitation.

      I was then still fleeing on foot. Into a private mansion community I briskly walked in past two people who looked at me sort of funny as they walked out.

      I proceeded to break into a house in the community but on the corner near the busiest street in the city.

      Night time now and I broke in but the front door was open and the house was packed full of people in every room sleeping. It felt as if it were my home own home full of family. I quickly and quietly left out the front door and made my way around to the busy street. As I walked around the house the house seemed to get bigger and bigger and I felt as if people inside were becoming aware of me at this point. I heard cop cars at a distance and then I woke up.

      Any ideas on what this may mean?


  2. I had a dream and me and a few friends were stuck in a hospital because the river behind it flooded. Me and 2 of my friends went to go find a way out and were up top by this balcony when someone popped up and my first friend dissappered. The person that popped up tried to cut my head off but my friend stepped in front of me and he cut his head off with gardening scissors.. Later in the dream I was back in the hospital and my friend who's head got cut off showed back up and tried to hug me but he looked fatter than usual so I got cared and mentioned his head getting cut off then he just walked away and never showed back up

  3. I had a dream and me and a few friends were stuck in a hospital because the river behind it flooded. Me and 2 of my friends went to go find a way out and were up top by this balcony when someone popped up and my first friend dissappered. The person that popped up tried to cut my head off but my friend stepped in front of me and he cut his head off with gardening scissors.. Later in the dream I was back in the hospital and my friend who's head got cut off showed back up and tried to hug me but he looked fatter than usual so I got cared and mentioned his head getting cut off then he just walked away and never showed back up

  4. I just had a dream about my 19 month old getting found with his head cut off, I had previously picked him up from someplace and had him in the back of my car, last thing I remember I was in a building with my mom and other people in a business of some sort. Someone walked in with him in their arms asking whose baby this is? Holding his head on his shoulders.. weird thing was he wasn’t completely dead. I was screaming in my dream. Needless to say I woke up from this dream right away freaked out.. currently I am moving into a house from an apartment and my mother in law is moving into town the same day.
